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About Us

CEO's Greetings

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  • CEO's Greetings

My name is Jae Sung In and I am the president of Taeyoung C&T.

Thank you for visiting Taeyoung C&T Website and I thank you for your interests and support.

Taeyoung C&T specializes in manufacturing and selling various adhesive tapes, including electric insulation adhesive tapes. Striving to achieve the highest level of technology and quality for customer satisfaction, we are making ceaseless investment in R&D and supplying products to the leading local and international motor makers.

Taeyoung C&T is growing into a global business as we have started exploring the world market with our world-class technology and quality.

Taeyoung C&T will continue to do our best efforts to create new paradigms in the tape industry with unwavering challenge and trust and actively fulfill our social and humanitarian responsibilities for the people, environment, and local communities.

We would greatly appreciate your warmest interests and support for our endless challenge and growth to be the best in the world.

Jae Sung In, President